Academic Leadership and Career Development Workshop 2019

Welcome to ALCDW 2019!

Again this year, we are pleased to announce that SC EPSCoR will be co-hosting the event with us. This allows our program to add National Science Foundation components, adding to our past focus on National Institutes of Health initiatives. ALCDW is open to any student or faculty member and is free of charge. We hope to see you in Columbia June 17 and 18!

This page is under construction. We will continue to add information here as it comes available. You can also watch the SC INBRE weekly newsletter or SC EPSCoR bi-weekly newsletter or social media for latest updates.


Workshop Links:


For more info, contact: 

INBRE: Dr. Edie Goldsmith, Dr. Martine LaBerge, Cyndy Buckhaults

EPSCoR: Dr. Nadim Aziz, Cyndy Buckhaults