SC INBRE and NIH Funding and Funding Resources
SC INBRE Funding
In anticipation of pending renewal, the South Carolina IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (SC INBRE) Developmental Research Project Program (DRPP) solicits applications for the 2025-26 award cycle. The DRPP will support two funding mechanisms designed to grow faculty-led research projects and provide biomedical research training opportunities for students: Research Projects (RP) and Pilot Projects (PP). PP awards are smaller than RPs yet offer more flexibility.
SC INBRE Funded Projects to-date
SC INBRE Grants Repository: email us for access
NIH Grants Resources
NIH Grants Process Overview
Helpful Tips on Planning Your Application
NIH Application Forms and Instructions
NIH Standard Application Receipt Dates
NIH Peer Review Process
NIH Guidance for Foreign Applicants
Early Stage Investigator (ESI) Policies
NIH R15 Program: AREA and REAP
NIH-funded R16 SuRE Resource Center
NIH Grants Samples Applications & More (provided by NIAID)
NIH All About Grants Podcast
NIH Grants YouTube
NIH NCI/DCCPS Application Submission & Review Resources