Developmental Research Project Program (DRPP)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

2025 NOFO Links

Page updated March 4, 2025

APPLICATIONS: Is it possible to apply for both a Research Project and a Pilot Project?

Yes, you can apply for both an RP and a PP, however, if both are recommended for funding, a PI may only accept one award.

CUREs: In regards to the Curriculum Development Pilot Project, is it for developing a new course or does it need to include a CUREs component?

This Pilot Project is for either developing a new Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CUREs) course or to redesign a current course into a CUREs course. It is not for developing a new course – it must be a CUREs course.

ELIGIBILITY: In regards to Research Projects, do you still require 50% release time for clinical faculty?

Yes, 50% release time is still required. 

To be eligible to apply, clinical faculty must be tenure-track or receive tenure-track status by the end of the grant. A letter of institutional support needs to attest to the promise of tenure-track commitment.

ELIGIBILITY: Are postdocs eligible to apply for a Pilot Project?

Yes, postdocs can apply for our funding IF they hold a faculty appoinment.

LETTER OF INTENT: For the student grant (MSP), who should we say is the PI on the form — the mentor or the student?

For MSP, the student is the PI on the grant.

PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: Can a student apply for an MSP if they are graduating in May?

Yes, they can, but the proposal does need to state that the Period of Performance will be September 1, 2025 through their graduation date (i.e., May 26, 2026). 

TRAVEL: Can the entire Pilot Project (i.e., MSP) be used to disseminate information at scientific meetings, nationally and internationally?

No. The only travel permitted would be to a domestic scientific meeting to present work that was generated unde the proposal. Reasonable travel cost to one meeting to present would be acceptable (estimating a cost of ~$1,500/max). Please contact us if questions.