Newsletter Archives
2024 Newsletters
December 10: Happy Holidays from SC INBRE! • SC INBRE SITA grant LOI due this Fri, Dec 13 • SuRE Resource Center OSP Seed Grant + a whole lot more!
December 4: 🎁 SC INBRE’s Annual Gift Buying Guide! • NIH BRAIN Initiative NOFO for Resource-Limited and IDeA-eligible Institutions + a whole lot more!
November 27: Happy Thanksgiving from SC INBRE! • Our Program Office will be closed Nov 28-28. • LOIs for SC INBRE SITAs due Dec 13 • Big Data Health Science Conf abstracts deadline extended + a whole lot more!
November 20: Now Open: Registration and Abstracts for SC INBRE’s 2025 Annual Science Symposium • LOIs for SC INBRE SITAs due Dec 13 • NIGMS BRE-SPAD Program + a whole lot more!
November 13: SC INBRE Student Funding Opportunity: Student-Initiated Training Award • Abstracts due for Big Data Health Science Conference • NIGMS S10 Instrumentation Grants + a whole lot more!
November 6: Special SC INBRE Undergrad/Grad Funding Opportunity: $5,000 for data analytics SC INBRE Office closed Nov 6-7 New NIGMS DRCB Director + a whole lot more!
October 30: Researchers receive $178K+ NIGMS collaborative supplement • SC INBRE Office closed Nov 6-7 • Essay contest for early career scientists + a whole lot more!
October 23: Register now: Virtual NIH Grants Process Primer SC Conference on Innovations in Teaching & Learning NIH grant applications forms and training data table changes + a whole lot more!
October 16: NIH Webinar: Small Business Opportunities for Women’s Health Research NIGMS Sandbox and Cloud Credits 6th National Big Data Health Science Conference + a whole lot more!
October 9: Submit now: 6th National Big Data Health Science Conference • Virtual Metagenomics Workshop • COBRE in Human Genetics Lecture Series + a lot more!
October 2: SC INBRE Institutions US News & World Report Rankings • Webinar: Can NSF Funding Support Your Research? • NRMN Unconscious Bias Course + a lot more!
September 25: Mouse Phenotyping Center serves underrep investigators/institutions • Cell Bio Ed Consortium Vouchers • COBRE Center in Human Genetics Lecture + more!
September 18: NSF/NIH NOFO: Biomedical Reseach Initiative for Next-Gen BioTech – SynBio Control National Disease Research Interchange Pilot Award Program SRC Student/ Trainee Webinar on overcoming imposter behaviors + a whole lot more!
September 11: NIGMS Series: Becoming a Scientist • Tips for Writing Grant Applications • NCUR 2025 accepting abstracts and reviewers + a whole lot more!
September 5: 2 SC INBRE-funded researchers get R16s • USC AI Institute AI Roundtable Discussion Series • Updates to NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy + a lot more!
August 29: 2 NIH RFIs: Centers & Programs and Postdocs • FDA/NIH Joint Workshop: Brain-Computer Interface • SC INBRE Program Office closed on Mon, Sept 2 + a whole lot more!
August 22: NIGMS Bridges to the Doctorate (T32) • NIGMS Modern Equipment for Shared-use Biomed Res Facilities (S15) • Proteomics Voucher Program + much more!
August 15: Info webinar for NIGMS MOSAIC Program • FASEB: Apply for organizing Scientific Research Conf • NIH Becoming a Resilient Scientist Series + much more!
August 7: SuRE/SuRE-First Grantsmanship Bootcamp • NIH B-INSPIRE R01 and Pre-app Webinar • SCTR Scientific Retreat accepting abstracts/registration + much more!
July 31: NRMN Advancing Inclusive Mentoring Training • 4 NIH High-Risk, High Reward Grants • NIH Student Loan Repayment Programs + a whole lot more!
July 24: Hey, Friend — help us out by taking our website survey? • New NIH Topics in Data Sharing webinar series • NIH Bridges to Bacc T34 grant + a whole lot more!
July 17: Time is running out to contact us: Admin Supplement for Women’s Health Research • Help us with our website • SACNAS Postdoc Leadership Institute + a whole lot more!
July 10: ABRCMS 2024 accepting abstracts and travel awards • Admin Supplement for Women’s Health Research • 2 oral presentation opportunities (postdocs and undergrads) + a whole lot more!
July 4: SC INBRE @ NISBRE highlights • Admin Supplement for Women’s Health Research • Novartis Data Science Innovations Fellowship Program + a whole lot more!
June 13: Admin Supplement for Women’s Health Research • Biomedical Science Workshop for SC High School STEM Teachers • Lectureship Grant (Chemical Sciences) for PUIs + a whole lot more!
June 5: SC INBRE @ NISBRE — Poster presenter list • Biomedical Science Workshop for SC High School STEM Teachers • Proteomics Voucher Program deadline June 15 + a whole lot more!
May 29: NIH S10 grant program for shared equipment • SuRE Biennial Conference registration closes soon • Free workshop for PUIs and ERIs + a whole lot more!
May 23: NIH S10 grant program for shared equipment • SuRE Biennial Conference registration closes soon • Free workshop for PUIs and ERIs + a whole lot more!
May 8: NIH Cloud Lab (90-day trial and $500 credits) • SuRE Resource Center Student Webinar: Tips for attending your First Scientific Conference • Entrepreneurial Training Opps + a whole lot more!
May 2: Summer Training Opps from SC INBRE & OmicsLogic • NIH Cloud Lab (trial and $500 credits) • NIH Workshop: Succeeding in Grad School + a whole lot more!
April 24: NIH Grants Process: A Brief Walk-Through for Beginners • NIH Virtual Career Symposium • Implementation of Revisions to the NIH and AHRQ Fellowship Application and Review Process + a whole lot more!
April 17: NIH Virtual Career Fair coming in May • SC INBRE needs your help with the future of our Data Science Core (Only individuals in SC can respond to our survey) • #FaceOfScience Campaign next week + a whole lot more!
April 10: FY23 NIH Funding Impact in SC • Changes coming to NIH application and peer reviews in 2025 • Future of Research Integrity Conference + a whole lot more!
April 3: SC INBRE Student Travel Awards for NISBRE24 EXTENDED to April 8! • SuRE Webinar: How to Prepare Your NIH Progress Report (RPPR) • Free online library access + a whole lot more!
March 27: SC INBRE Student Travel Awards for NISBRE24 DUE THIS WEEK! • SuRE R16 Grantsmanship Bootcamp • SC INBRE Bioinformatics and Data Science Summer Workshops PLUS a whole lot more!
March 20: SC INBRE Bioinformatics & Data Science Summer Workshops, SC INBRE Student Travel Awards for NISBRE24, NIH OITE Mental Health & Well-Being Series PLUS a whole lot more!
March 13: SC INBRE Student Travel Awards for NISBRE24, Free Grants Bootcamp, Undergrad/grad student grant opp + a lot more!
March 6: NIBIB e-C3i entrepreneurial & mentorship training • NISBRE 2024 - hotel now open, accepting abstracts • SCTR@MUSC Discovery Pilot Awards + a lot more!
February 21: NISBRE2024 info - deadlines for abstracts, nominations • Training and grant opportunities in SC • SC INBRE NOFO LOIs due March 1 + a whole lot more!
February 14: SC INBRE FY24 grants now open! • Symposium wrap-up – winners and evaluation survey • NISBRE info now available • PLUS a whole lot more!
February 7: No newsletter as we prepare for our 15th annual Science Symposium on Feb 10
January 31: We need your input for ALCDW24 • Focus on Women’s Health Research • SC Rare Disease Symposium • PLUS a whole lot more!
January 24: ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT to submit SC INBRE Science Symposium abstracts (due Jan 26) • Lots and lots of webinars and summer research opportunities • PLUS a whole lot more!
January 18: Prizes, Medals and Awards - Oh, my! • Science Symposium reminders • NIH OITE Training Opps for students at all levels + a lot more!
January 10: Got your eRA Commons ID? • Science Symposium reminders • New NIBIB Admin Supplement related to Bioethical Issues + a lot more!
January 3: SC INBRE Science Symposium a little over a month away!, New NIH BIO-Entrepreneurship Capstone, NIGMS Office Hour next week focused on the PREP grant (R25), PLUS a whole lot more!
2023 Newsletters
December 13: Last newsletter of 2023. Happy Holidays from SC INBRE!, LOTS of deadlines THIS FRI, Dec 15, SC INBRE Science Symposium accepting abstracts/ registrations + a whole lot more!
December 6: It’s our Annual Gift Buying Guide issue!, SuRE Resource Center OSP Seed Grant due soon (Dec 15), SC INBRE Science Symposium accepting abstracts/registrations + a whole lot more!
November 29: New NIH Entrepreneur program, SC EPSCoR FOAs available for biomedical research, 2024 SC INBRE Science Symposium accepting abstracts/ registrations PLUS a whole lot more!
November 22: Happy Thanksgiving from SC INBRE!, 2024 SC INBRE Science Symposium now accepting abstracts/registrations, EIC/F Annual Meeting + a lot more!
November 15: 2024 SC INBRE Science Symposium now accepting abstracts and registrations, 5th National Big Data Health Science Conference & Student Case Competition + a whole lot more!
November 8: SC INBRE Collaboration Directory and LinkedIn Group, NIH Workforce Dev Training and Grants, OSP Seed Grant application now open + a whole lot more!
November 2: SC INBRE - Making Connections: Collaboration Directory, LinkedIn Group, SCTR Retreat: Inflammation & Fibrosis accepting abstracts, NIH DEIA Admin Supplement + a whole lot more!
October 25: SuRE OSP Seed Grant and Webinar on The Importance of Publications, Fred Taylor Award for Contributions to the IDeA Program, Other IDeA Programs updates + a whole lot more!
October 18: SC INBRE receives Data Science Admin Supplement, DRP Diversity Supplement Opportunity, SuRE OSP Seed Grant, SE Region updates + a whole lot more!
October 11: Clemson/MUSC AI HUB Annual Summit this Thurs and Fri, MUSC 2024 SCTR Scientific Research: Inflammation and Fibrosis, AACR Midcareer Female Investigator Grant + a whole lot more!
October 5: NIGMS MOSAIC Program K99/R00 apps due Oct 12, Rising Black Scientists essays due Oct 31, DHS Summer Program for MSI Faculty due Dec 29, + a whole lot more!
September 27: SC INBRE Cycle V proposals due Mon, Oct 2; 10% scholarship for fall Omics training; Sigma Xi Student Research Grants + a whole lot more!
September 13 and 20: No newsletter due to seidea23.
September 6: 🚨 TODAY is registration deadline for seidea23!!! 🚨, 2 new NOFOs and info webinar for CTR, MOSAIC Program info webinar, PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
August 30: seidea23 regional updates and change to registration deadline, one last chance for no-cost Google Cloud credits, PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
August 23: NIH Admin Supplements for Women’s Health Research, seidea23 Conf updates, Advanced Computational Neuroscience Big Data Workshop PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
August 16: seidea23 Conference Updates, NHLBI Biostatistics Workshop – in-person or virtual, SC Branch for American Society for Microbiology Fall Mtg details PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
August 9: seidea23 Early-bird Registration ends on Tuesday, SC INBRE travel award applications close Monday, ABRCMS365 Funding Webinar PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
August 2: NIBIB BEAMS Challenge for Middle Schoolers, seidea Travel Awards available, Opportunity to influence Health Policy in SC PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
July 26: seidea23 Travel Awards available, Funding opportunities for women - CREW @ MUSC and American Association of University Women PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
July 19: No newsletter this week
July 12: NIH Intro to Python for Data Science on July 19, Now Open: SEIDeA23 Registration & Abstract Submissions, Apply now for no-cost Google Cloud Credits PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
July 7: SEIDeA23 Registration and Abstract Submissions now open!, Apply for no-cost Google Cloud Credits PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
June 28: Natural Products Research Virtual Symposium, Apply for no-cost Google Cloud Credits, National COVID Cohort Collaborative new questions/contracts, PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
June 21: Learning opportunities from ABRCMS and NCURA, Entrepreneurial program for women now accepting applications PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
June 14: NIGMS Instrumentation Grant for Resource-Limited Institutions (RL-S10), Webinar on NIGMS Sandbox, SuRE R16 Resource Center training opportunities PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
June 7: SC INBRE Bioinformatics Workshops start next week, NAIPI/OmicsLogic Summer Programs, Proteomics voucher program PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
May 31: NIH HEAL Initiative Workshop (feat. Hai Yao, SC-TRIMH COBRE Director), Furman receives $1 million instrument grant, Register for Bioinformatics Workshops PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
May 24: SCRA Communication Webinar, SC INBRE Call for Membership Proposals, NIH Virtual Summer Enrichment Curriculum PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
May 17: SC INBRE Call for Network Membership Proposals, Summer Bioinformatics Workshops, Register now for ALCDW23!, PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
May 10: 2023 Summer Bioinformatics Workshops now registering, TWO entrepreneurial programs accepting applications, PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
May 3: Save the Date: #seidea23, 16th Annual Mentoring Conference, Jean Dreyfus Lectureship for Undergraduate Institutions grant PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
April 26: TODAY (April 26): #FaceOfScience –AND– NIBIB DEBUT info webinar, ABRCMS Travel Awards available
April 19: SuRE Resource Center: Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) seed grants and webinars, Be a part of the #FaceOfScience social media campaign on April 26, NIGMS Instrumentation Grant Program for Resource-Limited Institutions webinar on May 3 PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
April 12: 2023 Goldwater Scholar recipients, Apply now for 2023 InnoVision Awards, Meet SC INBRE FY22 DRP Kristy Welshhans + a whole lot more!
April 5: Chronicle on Higher Ed 1st-gen student series, New NCI resources for cancer researchers, Meet SC INBRE FY21-22 DRP Daniel Stovall + a whole lot more!
March 29: SC INBRE FOAs proposals due on THIS TUES, APRIL 4, Proteomics Internship for Grads/Postdocs, Meet SC INBRE FY22 SIRP Alia Sadek + a whole lot more!
March 23: Now registering: ALCDW23, NOFO: Research with Activities Related to Diversity (R01), Meet SC INBRE FY21 SIRP Breanna Pederson + a whole lot more!
March 15: SuRE R16 Webinar - Budget and Justification Development Save the Date: ALCDW23 on June 16 Meet SC INBRE FY22 DRP Chiara Gamberi, Coastal Carolina University PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
March 8: NIH Assisted Referral Tool, Please complete our ALCDW survey, Student grant opportunity, Meet SC INBRE FY22 BIPP Linnea Freeman + a whole lot more!
March 1: Upcoming SC INBRE opportunities – don’t miss out!, NIGMS IDeA Co-Funding, Meet SC INBRE FY22 DRP Meredith Frazier + a whole lot more!
February 22: NIGMS-supported virtual business fundamentals course for core facility admins, ABRCMS ePoster Spring Symposium, Meet SC INBRE FY22 DRP Veronica Flores + a whole lot more!
February 15: SCAS/SCJAS Annual Mtg info, NIGMS webinar on safe and inclusive research training environments, Meet SC INBRE FY22 DRP Mindy Engevik + a whole lot more!
February 9: NCURA Sponsored Project Admin professional development program, 2 NIGMS Admin Supplements, Meet SC INBRE FY22 DRP Meghan Breen + a whole lot more!
February 1: SC INBRE FY23-24 FOAs NOW OPEN!, Science Symposium Abstracts due THIS FRIDAY!, Meet SC INBRE FY22 DRP Timothy Barker + a whole lot more!
January 25: NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy starts today, Meet SC INBRE FY22 DRP Heather Dunn, 2023 NIH Grants Conf is next week + a whole lot more!
January 18: ANNOUNCEMENT: SC INBRE 2022 Grants Recipients, Save the Date – seidea23 dates finalized, SCbio special student opportunity + a whole lot more!
January 11: NEW NIH Data Management Sharing Plan starts soon, SC INBRE Symposium reminders/deadlines, Free Genome Browser Workshop, PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
January 4: SC INBRE Science Symposium deadlines, NIH Summer Internship Programs, NIH Biomed Research Facilities Grant + a whole lot more!
2022 Newsletters
December 14: A Look Ahead at 2023, SCbio Annual Conference, Support for Research Excellence (SuRE) Center upcoming presentations on NIH R16 grants PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
December 7: Register now for NISBRE 2022!, NEW Admin Supplement for first time NIH grant recipients, OITE Mental Health & Well-being Series, PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
November 30: Here it is – Annual Gift Buying Guide! 🎁 Cardiovascular Seminar Series returns, Several NIH webinars next week + a whole lot more!
November 23: Thanksgiving office closure and new mocktail recipe, NISBRE abstracts due THIS FRIDAY, Nov 25, NEW NIH DEIA admin supplement, PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
November 17: NEW Confocal microscope and limited funds available!, NISBRE abstracts due NEXT WEEK, NIH Pre-Conf Event: Human Subjects Research + a whole lot more!
November 9: 2023 SC INBRE Science Symposium - now taking registrations and abstracts, NISBRE deadline and links, New COBRE Phase 1 theme on Data Science + a whole lot more!
November 2: New COBRE Phase 1 theme on Women’s Health, apply now for NCI iCURE scholar, Women in Science and Medicine virtual seminar + a whole lot more!
October 26: Omics opportunities for students and faculty, BARDA Industry Day (virtual), NIH Seminar on Diversity Supplements & Career Impact + a whole lot more!
October 19: New Entrepreneurial Program for Women, Limited Competition for Development & Renovation for HIV/AIDS Research, STEM Scholarship Program + a whole lot more!
October 12: NIGMS MIRA info webinar, New organization changes to COBRE Phase 1, Society of Toxicology annual meeting deadlines + a whole lot more!
October 5: Availability of INBRE Collaboration Administrative Supplements, New SC INBRE EAC member, Cardiovascular seminar continues + a whole lot more!
September 28: Our institutions rankings in US News & World Report, New changes to COBRE Phase 1 FOA, Cardiovascular seminar continues + a whole lot more!
September 21: Learning to say “no,” Cardiovascular seminar continues, reminder of outage starting Friday + a whole lot more!
September 14: New NIH Bridge2AI Program opportunities, 2 Pharmaceutical industry career events, reminder of outage next week + a whole lot more!
September 7: New NISBRE Info, NIH Long COVID Computational Challenge, Fall Virtual Bioinformatics Workshops on DE and Single Cell RNA-Seq and a whole lot more!
August 31: NIGMS MOSAIC Program for postdoc transition, Cardiovascular Seminar Series continues, Student and Faculty/Staff Entrepreneurship Funding Opportunities PLUS trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
August 24: Registration for EOD Conf closes tomorrow, Cardiovascular Seminar Series, CUR Conversation: Failure is Not a Word to Fear + a whole lot more!
August 17: 2 upcoming NIH ORWH prize competitions, Cardiovascular Seminar Series, SBIR/STTR Readiness Program for HBCUs and MSIs + a whole lot more!
August 10: 2022-2023 NIH Virtual Grants Conference & PreCon Events, Accepting poster abstracts for NIH Virtual Gender & Health Workshop + a whole lot more!
August 3: NIH Administrative Supplements for Women’s Health Research, NIH three-part grant writing webinar series, Now accepting posters for EOD Conference + a whole lot more!
July 27: PUI opportunity – Jean Dreyfus Lectureship (chem sci), NIH Virtual Talk: COVID-19 and Women, BlackInChem Postdoc Fellowship + a whole lot more!
July 20: NIH grant for Shared-use Biomed Research Facilities, 2 NIH Data Mgmt & Sharing Policy Webinars, Now registering – ACM-BCB 2022 + a whole lot more!
July 13: 2022 NIH Grad & Professional School Fair next week, SC INBRE news – promotions and awards, ABRCMS2022 submission deadlines + a whole lot more!
July 6: NIH AIM-AHEAD Leadership Fellowship, NIH ODP Call for Abstracts, NIGMS Research on Interventions R01 FOA and Webinar + a whole lot more!
June 29: Changes to NIGMS MIRA R35 Program, New course added to SC INBRE Bioinformatics Core Workshops, MUSC SCTR 2022 Scientific Retreat + a whole lot more!
June 22: Undergrad Computational Chemistry Conference to be held at Furman, New NOSIs, Apply for Helium-3 for Med Research + a whole lot more!
June 15: SC INBRE FREE Bioinformatics Summer Workshops start NEXT WEEK, Lots of online training opportunities from NIH and others + a whole lot more!
June 8: SC INBRE FREE Bioinformatics Summer Workshops, NOSI - Admin Supplements for All of Us Research Data, SC EPSCoR/NSF EOD Conference + a whole lot more!
June 1: ALCDW22 registration closes TODAY, SC INBRE Bioinformatics Core Summer Workshops, What’s an NFT and why academia? + a whole lot more!
May 25: ALCDW22 registration closes in ONE WEEK on June 1, New NIH FOA on maternal health, NCFDD 14-Day Writing Challenge + a whole lot more!
May 18: FREE* Virtual Online Bioinformatics Summer Training Program from OmicsLogic, Symposiums and Workshops, Register for ALCDW! + a whole lot more!
May 11: IDeA Nationwide Proteomics Voucher Program, NM INBRE – paid Pangenomics Summer Internship, Training: Biology as a Data Science + a whole lot more!
May 4: TODAY – #FaceOfScience social media campaign, please share – Biomed Science Workshop for HS STEM teachers + a whole lot more!
April 27: Congrats 2022 SC INBRE grads! 🎓 Register for ALCDW22 now for a chance for free parking, AAAS needs your feedback + a whole lot more!
April 20: New NIGMS FOA – IDeA Clinical Research Resource Center, Two summer research opportunities, Grad student seed grant + a whole lot more!
April 13: Submit abstracts - 2022 Stress Neurobiology Workshop, NIGMS Supplements - Master’s Students & Women’s Health + a whole lot more!
April 6: Take SC INBRE Bioinformatics survey, NIGMS SciEd Conference, All of Us releases 100,000 whole genome sequences + a whole lot more!
March 30: SC INBRE FOAs due MONDAY!, CofC student receives Goldwater Scholar, Zebrafish <*)))))>< Conference + a whole lot more!
March 23: Registration now open: ALCDW22, Federal budget signed - good news for NIH, NAM Webinar: Health Tech to Reduce Burnout + a whole lot more!
March 16: NIH Webinar on T34 Programs (U-RISE/MARC), Save the Dates: ALCDW22, Omics Logic Research Symposium with poster prizes + a whole lot more!
March 9: Need your input – ALCDW22 and Bioinformatics Core summer workshops, Virtual Single Cell RNA-Seq Analysis Workshop + a whole lot more!
March 2: ***REQUIRED*** LOIs for SC INBRE FOAs due FRIDAY, Save the Date and Survey: ALCDW22, New SC INBRE Grants Repository + a whole lot more!
February 23: Special “Images from Science” exhibit at PC, New NIH Student Postbac Program, New NIH Admin Supplement for Software Tools + a whole lot more!
February 16: Bringing Big Data to Campus Webinar, SC INBRE Point of Pride, NIH NLM Virtual Codeathon + a whole lot more!
February 9: NIH AI 5-day virtual workshop, Updated info on FREE Bioinformatics Training, NIH Codeathon, New mocktail recipe + a whole lot more!
February 2: FREE Bioinformatics Training, SCAS Four-year Institution Teacher of the Year Award nominations, New NIGMS Admin Supplements + a whole lot more!
January 26: NOW OPEN – 2022-2023 SC INBRE Call for Proposals! + a whole lot more!
January 19: SC INBRE Science Symposium THIS Saturday, L’Oreal USA for Women in Science Fellowship, Institution Opportunities + a whole lot more!
January 12: SC INBRE Science Symposium Updates, NIH Instrumentation and Facilities Grants + a whole lot more!
2021 Newsletters
December 15: Happy Holidays from SC INBRE, Science Symposium updates, Lots of NIH NOSIs + trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
December 8: SC INBRE Science Symposium abstracts due in TWO days!, Lots of NIH NOSIs + trivia, news, hiring, deadlines and a whole lot more!
December 1: Annual Gift Buying Guide • SC INBRE-funded PUI faculty –> NIGMS Admin Supplements for Cloud-Based Learning Modules • SC INBRE Science Symposium deadlines • PLUS Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
November 23: NEW NIH INBRE Admin Supplement – Building Cloud-Based Learning Modules • NIH Summer Internships • Holiday🍹 Mocktail & Trivia • PLUS Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
November 17: From NIH –Create a Strong Multiple PI Leadership Plan • Southeast Regional IDeA Conference follow-up • SC INBRE Science Symposium info • PLUS Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
November 10: Call for Abstracts, Exhibit presenters and Registration – SC INBRE Science Symposium 2022 – back in-person in Columbia in January! + a whole lot more!
November 3: Medical Products accelerator and SC EPSCoR biomed devices proposal accepting applications • SE Regional IDeA Conf next week! + a whole lot more!
October 27: NRMN Conference Season Best Practices • Motivational Resource for Science Educators • 2021 Creative Scientist Workshop with MUSC/SCTR + Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
October 20: Lots of NIH Webinars! • #IamSCINBRE Spotlight on UofSC: Dr. Homay Valafar • 2021 Creative Scientist Workshop with MUSC/SCTR + a whole lot more!
October 13: NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding & Grants Administration • SC EPSCoR Opportunity • #IamSCINBRE spotlight: Larsen Lab + a whole lot more!
October 6: Mid-term overwhelming you? Small strategies to help you get control • SC IDeA Programs spotlight: SC TRIMH + a whole lot more!
September 29: SC IDeA research team receives NIGMS collaboration award • Sigma Xi student research grant • SE Reg IDeA Conf virtual registration + a lot more!
September 22: Special Virtual Seminar: Women of Color in Medicine – this Friday, Sept 24 • Cloud Computing Training • NIH RFIs + a whole lot more!
September 15: SE Regional IDeA Conference UPDATES! • SC INBRE institutions US News & World Report rankings • NIH Academy + a whole lot more!
September 8: Special funding opportunities for IDeA states • NIH Notices, Lectures, Webinars • Summer Research Spotlight on Furman + a whole lot more!
September 1: SC INBRE Travel Awards recipients announced • Grant workshops and seminar • Summer Research Spotlight on CofC + a whole lot more!
August 25: Single Cell Genomics Webinar TOMORROW • Postdocs: NIH MOSAIC Program Webinar and FOAs • Summer Research Spotlight on Clemson + a whole lot more!
August 18: We are SC INBRE: Adi Dubash • 10x Genomics Single Cell webinar • Some calls for abstracts • Summer Research Spotlight on UofSC Aiken + a lot more!
August 11: SC INBRE Travel Awards due in TWO days! • Lots of Symposiums and Workshops! • Summer Research Spotlight on Francis Marion + a lot more!
August 4: SC INBRE Travel Awards due next Friday! • NRMN Grant Writing Coaching now registering • Summer Research Spotlight on Converse & USC UP + a lot more!
July 28: Who wants to go to Puerto Rico? Let us help get you there! • Several NIH Opportunities • Summer Research Series Spotlight on Benedict College and a lot more!
July 21: How are you like an elephant and octopus? • NRMN NIH High-Risk, High-Reward Program Webinar • Meeting our Summer Researchers Series and a lot more!
July 14: SC IDeA PI receives NIGMS SARS-CoV-2 research funding • NIH AIM-AHEAD Program • NIH High-Risk, High-Reward Program + Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
July 7: Update on establishment of new national biomedical agency – ARPA-H • IDeA Collaboration Directory + Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
June 30: NIGMS IDeA Regional Meetings 2021 • GEM MS and PhD Fellowship Programs • CUR Opportunities + Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
June 21: New FOA – Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience • AREA R15 grants due Friday • FREE SCBIO Student Memberships + Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
June 14: #ALCDW21 and Thirsty Thursday THIS WEEK! • NIH Nutrition workshop now accepting abstract submissions + Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
June 7: Time and Slots are running out for #ALCDW21! Registration closes THIS WEEK! + Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
May 31: SC INBRE Bioinformatics Core announcement • Time and slots running out for #ALCDW21 + Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
May 24: SE Regional IDeA Conference • NIGMS IDeA-wide Town Hall meeting • NIH OITE Virtual Summer Program + Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
May 17: Thirsty Thursday this week! • Natural Products Research Virtual Symposium II • Register for ALCDW21! + Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
May 10: Virtual Workshop on AI and ML in Biomedical Devices • Health Disparities Codeathon + Latest jobs, webinars, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
May 3: Registration for ALCDW21 now open! • Congrats to… • Thirsty Thursday + Latest jobs, webinars, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
April 26: NEW COBRE in Human Genetics • Congrats to Timmy Samec, CU BioE + Latest jobs, webinars, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
April 19: NEW NIH NIBIB program: C3i • 2 SC INBRE DRP win NSF CAREER awards + Latest jobs, webinars, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
April 12: NEW NIH Common fund program: Bridge 2 AI • Thirsty Thirsty is THIS WEEK! + Latest jobs, webinars, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
April 5: 🚨 SC INBRE FOAs - Due 11:59 pm ET TODAY!!! 🚨 4 win Goldwater Scholarships ➕ Latest jobs, webinars, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
March 29: Lots happening in April! ☔️ SC INBRE FOAs due NEXT Monday! 📣 Save the Dates: #ALCDW2021 ➕ Latest jobs, webinars, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
March 22: SC INBRE Outcomes: PC and SIRP ✈️ 🔬 HBCU/MSI Air Force Opportunity 📣 Lots of NIH NOSIs ➕ Latest jobs, webinars, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
March 15: 2 Teacher summer opportunities! 🍸🧬 Thirsty Thursday is THIS week!➕ Latest jobs, webinars, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
March 8: Introducing a new monthly speaker series! 🍺 FREE M-CELS Workshop and Women’s Health Symposium➕ Latest jobs, webinars, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
March 1: SARS-CoV-2 Funding Opportunities 🦠 FREE M-CELS Workshop 🔬 Lots of NIH NOSIs➕ Latest jobs, webinars, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
February 22: SC researchers on 1,000 inspiring Black scientist list 💻 Proposal writing tips ➕ Latest jobs, webinars, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
February 15: Call for Participation - Upstate Research Symposium 🖥 SCBioCRAFT FOA 🧬 Faculty Mentors Needed ➕ Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
February 8: #IamSCINBRE: Abby Jolley 🎓 Fee-free Proteomics Voucher expiring soon 🧬 SCBIO Annual Meeting ➕ Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
February 1: SC INBRE Call for Proposals 🖥 Faculty Mentors needed (RET) 💻 Check us out on Discord! ➕ Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
January 25: Science Symposium Wrap-up 🖥 Upcoming Symposiums and Conferences ➕ Latest jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
January 18: Free Nat’l Big Data Health Science Conference & Student Competition 🖥 Free Natural Products Research Symposium ➕ Jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
January 11: Free Proteomics Symposium and Workshops 🖥 Free Science Teachers Resource ➕ Jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
January 4: Happy New Year! New Year - New Newsletter Look! ⏰ Science Symposium Deadlines THIS FRIDAY ➕ Jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
2020 Newsletters
December 21: New EAC member 🎄 New NIH Faculty Recruitment Program 🎄 Happy Holidays – see you in 2021! ➕ Jobs, HOLIDAY trivia, news, deadlines & more!
December 14: 2 NEW Early Career Grants 💵 A Leadership Program 💰 A student scholarship 🧳 A travel award ➕ Jobs, HOLIDAY trivia, news, deadlines & more!
December 7: NASA Space Grants 🚀 UofSC Aiken Research 🐴 Science Symposium Next Steps ➕ Jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
November 30: Science Symposium abstracts due THIS FRIDAY 🎁 Annual Gift Buying Guide ➕ Jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
November 23: Beyond the Bench – #IamSCINBRE: Jessica Larsen 👟 New Bioinformatics Tutorial videos ➕ Jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
November 16: SC INBRE needs your help! 🎥 Career Development Opportunity 💻 NIH Virtual Seminar Materials ➕ Jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
November 9: Ruth L Kirschstein Nat’l Research Service Awards 🖥 SC INBRE Science Symposium Reminders ❤️ AHA Career Fair ➕ Jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
November 2: SC INBRE Virtual Science Symposium 2021 is coming! 🖥 SC BioCRAFT Voucher Program 🔍 NEW NIH Search Tools ➕ Jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
October 26: SC BioCRAFT Voucher Program 🖥 NIH Program Funding and Grants Seminar 🎃 Halloween Tunes and Streams ➕ Jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
October 19: 💵 Women’s Health Researcher gets ~$145K NIH IDeA Co-funding 🗓 TONS of great events this week! ➕ Jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
October 12: Tooting our own horn! 🎺 Round up of SC INBRE institutions and people in the news ➕ Jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
October 5: Special Events this week for SC Women in Life Sciences 🚺🔬Free Proteomics Voucher Program ➕Jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
September 28: Supporting Diversity in STEM 🗓 Save the Date: 2021 Science Symposium ➕ Scholarships, jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
September 21: NIH Yoga today – national meeting tomorrow! Voucher for free proteomics. Lots of webinars. Plus scholarships, jobs, trivia, news, deadlines & more!
September 14: 👥 Team from SC receive collaborative grant. SC captures White House attention. Save the date: Nat’l IDeA Meeting. Plus trivia, news, deadlines & more!
September 7: 🎉 Time to celebrate! 🍾 — ✏️ Register for Collaboration Directory — 2 student funding opportunities — Plus trivia, jobs, news, deadlines & more!
August 31: 👥 Collaboration, 💵 collaboration grants and ✏️ a brand NEW IDeA Collaboration Directory. Like/follow our social! Plus trivia, news, deadlines & more!
August 24: Focus on using social media to communicate science. Like/follow our social! Plus trivia, news, deadlines & more!
August 17: Welcome back, students! Urgent U01 grant for COVID available. Plus trivia, news, summer learning, deadlines & more!
August 10: NIH NIGMS MOSAIC Program. A virtual NCI/NIH cancer lecture. A needs-based scholarship. Plus trivia, news, summer learning, deadlines & more!
August 3: More great SC INBRE summer research! A virtual job fair this week. A needs-based scholarship. Plus trivia, news, summer learning, deadlines & more!
July 27: Entrepreneurship & Academia - Yes! You can do both! Plus this week’s trivia, news, summer learning opps, jobs, deadlines & more!
July 20: AACR Keynote from Dr. Fauci today at 10 am! Our 🔬summer research 🖥 roundup! Plus this week’s summer learning opps, jobs board, deadlines & more!
July 13: 🗞 Read all about it - updated SC INBRE funded publications page! Plus summer learning opps, jobs board, deadlines & more!
July 6: ➡️ IMPORTANT live stream from NIH and NIAID directors at 2 pm ET today! ⬅️ Plus NIH and Biomed Research in SC, this week’s webinars, and more!
June 29: New look for website ad newsletter! Plus summer learning opps, jobs board, deadlines & more!
June 22: FREE NAVBO Vascular Biology Summer Camp, I am SC INBRE: PC’s Ricardo Hernandez, Bright IDeAs, plus summer learning opps, hiring, deadlines & more!
June 12: NIH Preprint Pilot, NIH Common Fund pre-app webinars, Bright IDeAs, plus COVID-19 Warrior, news, events, hiring, deadlines & more!
June 5: Round up of Summer webinars, Bright IDeAs, plus COVID-19 Warriors, news, events, hiring, deadlines & more!
May 29: 3 things 2 know: 1. Summer Survey Due, 2. Crush Clarkson Challenge, 3. COVID funding webinar; plus COVID-19 Warriors, news, hiring, deadlines & more!
May 22: 3 things 2 know: 1. Summer Opps Survey, 2. New Med Library tools, 3. SC INBRE FOAs; plus COVID-19 Warriors, webinars, news, hiring, deadlines and more!
May 15: 3 things 2 know: 1. Summer Opps Survey, 2. New PubMed Interface, 3. SC INBRE FOAs; plus webinars, news, hiring, deadlines and more!
May 8: 3 things 2 know: 1. Extended SC INBRE FOA deadlines, 2. Minority Health FOA, 3. CUR Biennial Conf; plus webinars, news, hiring, deadlines and more!
May 1: 3 things 2 know: 1. New NIH COVID-19 competition, 2. NEW NIGMS webinar series, 3. SDB Abstracts due May 6; + webinars, news, hiring, deadlines & more!
April 24: 3 things to know: 1. ASBMB Annual Mtg, 2. AHA Abstracts open, 3. $25K Neurobiology Prize; plus webinars, news, hiring, deadlines and more!
April 17: 3 things to know: 1. AACR Annual Meeting next week, 2. SC INBRE researchers in nat’l press, 3. Web/social updates: plus news, hiring, deadlines and more!
April 10: 3 things to know: No NISBRE this year, eRA system to be down, SEPA FOA; UofSC student competition, plus news, hiring, deadlines and more!
April 3: 3 things to know: NIH Late Apps Policy, SEPA FOA, Competitive Revs to NIGMS grants, Change in Program Staff, plus news, hiring, deadlines and more!
March 27: 3 things to know: Urgent competitive revisions to NIGMS grants, COVID resources, 3 SC INBRE FOAs, #WEareSCINBRE - Benedict College, plus news, hiring, deadlines & more!
March 20: 3 things to know: SC INBRE FOAs released including a new student opportunity!, #IamSCINBRE - Steffi Kong, plus news, hiring, deadlines & more!
March 13: 3 things you need to know: COVID-19 and NIH deadlines, New HHMI program, ALCDW 20/20 updates, plus hiring, deadlines and more!
March 6: Let’s talk Coronavirus - several resources available, NEW NIGMS Admin Supplement for IDeA states, NISBRE updates, plus hiring, deadlines and more!
February 28: ASCB summer biotech courses, FASEB early career and LOTS of NIH opps! Several STUDENT deadlines. Plus news, hiring, deadlines & much more!
February 21: Read about $100K Collaborative NIGMS Admin Supplement. Science on Tap in Gvl this coming Tues. Plus news, hiring, deadlines & much more!
February 14: Which grant is right for you?, Delayed grant deadlines, Summer opportunities, upcoming webinars, news from NIH, jobs openings & much more!
February 7: Another packed issue! Proposal writing resources, NISBRE 2020, Disney internships, summer opps, several new jobs openings & much more!
January 31: Lots in this issue! Science Symposium wrap-up! Lucia dedication, summer opps, several new jobs openings & much more!
January 24: Packed issue! Science Symposium is TOMORROW! Summer workshop, student opps & exciting opps from NIH (incl biomed facilities upgrades!) & much more!
2019 Newsletters
December 20: A look ahead, Science Symposium Abstracts notice, RET Program needs faculty mentors, Preview of ALCDW 2020, plus news, hiring and deadlines!
November 8: SBIR/STTR Ideas to Products grant, Collaborative Grants, Proteomics Workshops, a dancing unicorn, plus news, hiring and deadlines!
October 25: NEW STTR Funding Opportunity, Science Symposium, NIH Loan Repayment Prog, NSF Major Research Instrumentation grant, plus news, hiring and deadlines!
October 18: #IamINBRE: Austin Shull, Science Symposium, NEW SC INBRE Toolbox, Collab Sequencing/Bioinformatics Pilot, plus news, hiring and deadlines!
October 11: #WeAreINBRE: CofC, Science Symposium, NRMN Research Study, AAUW funding for women in grad school, plus news, hiring and deadlines!
October 4: NEW Science Symposium date - registration now open!, Bioinformatics Single Cell Workshop, NIH R15 grants, plus news, hiring and deadlines!
September 27: #WeareINBRE: INBRE-COBRE Collaboration, Bioinformatics Single Cell Workshop, NIH MIRA grant, SC INBRE at NIH, plus news, hiring and deadlines!
September 20: SE Regional IDeA Conf deadlines extended, want to speak at Science on Tap?, HHMI fellows program, plus news, hiring and deadlines!
September 13: —> NM INBRE – Call for Sequencing/Bioinformatics Proposals <—, SE Regional IDeA Conf Info, Science on Tap next speaker, plus hiring and deadlines!
September 6: NEW! —> NIH MOSAIC Program <—, SE Regional IDeA Conf Info, Science on Tap-Clemson next week, plus news, meetings, deadlines and hiring!
August 30: Science Symposium – know before you go, SE Regional IDeA Conf info, plus, news, meeting, hiring and deadlines!
August 23: Science Symposium info and FAQs - registration closes THIS Mon, Aug 26! Plus, news, meeting, hiring and deadlines!
August 16: WeAreINBRE: SC INBRE leadership honored, #2019SciSymp: ABSTRACTS due MONDAY!, What’s new at #2019SciSymp, plus news, meetings, hiring & deadlines!
August 9: #2019SciSymp: ABSTRACTS due in 10 Days! NEW – Student Workshop, Exhibitors, & Bioinformatics Workshop, SE Reg IDeA Conf, news, hiring & deadlines!
August 2: #WeAreINBRE: SCSU & MUSC, YOUR INPUT NEEDED NOW!, Sci Symposium updates, grad student funding opps, webinars, plus news, hiring & deadlines!
July 26: WE NEED YOUR INPUT - Student engagement & Bioinformatics Workshop, Poster design tips, Sci Symposium updates, plus news, opps, hiring & deadlines!
July 19: #2019SciSymp – 2 new student activities (need your input!), new Abstract Guidelines and date reminders; plus news, opportunities, hiring & deadlines!
July 12: #IamINBRE: April DeLaurier (USCA), 11th Annual Science Symposium - registration and abstracts now open, plus news, opportunities, hiring & deadlines!
July 5: #IamINBRE: Mark Blenner (Clemson U), 11th Annual Science Symposium - registration now open, plus news, opportunities, hiring & deadlines!
June 28: #IamINBRE: Alison Roark (Furman U), 11th Annual Science Symposium, plus news, opportunities, hiring & deadlines!
June 21: #ALCDW2019 wrap-up, Save the dates: SC INBRE Science Symposium and SE IDeA 2019, eRA Commons reminder, plus news, opps, hiring & deadlines!
June 14: Planning an NIH grant app?, #ALCDW2019 info, Intro to, eRA Commons reminder, plus news, opps, hiring & deadlines!
June 7: #ALCDW2019 - know before you come/deadlines today, We are INBRE: Furman, eRA Commons reminder, plus news, opps, hiring & deadlines!
#ALCDW2019 - register now, #IamINBRE: Ann Taylor Adams, eRA Commons reminder, Caitlin Hay (Furman) in DC, plus news, opps, hiring & deadlines!
#ALCDW2019 updates, We are INBRE: Presbyterian College, plus news, opportunities, hiring and deadlines!
We are INBRE: USC Aiken, #ALCDW2019 agenda now available, plus news, opportunities, hiring and deadlines!
Registration now open for #ALCDW2019! #IamINBRE: CofC Goldwater Students, need grad info, plus news, opportunities, hiring and deadlines!
2019 DRP and BIPP recipients announced, Need your graduating student info, plus news, opportunities, hiring and deadlines!
I am INBRE: Mark Sarzynski, Need your graduating student info, Want input for summer workshop, plus news, students, hiring and deadlines!
SC INBRE III Publications, Prize for Neurobiology, NIH News, plus opportunities, students, hiring and deadlines!
Life after Grad School, NIGMS new collaboration with Scholastic, Inc., plus news/opportunities, students, hiring & deadlines!
NIH Grants FAQs for applications and reviewers, plus news/opportunities, students, hiring & deadlines!
SC INBRE upcoming event dates announced, Renewal goes in 3/29 - complete our survey now!, plus students, news/opportunities, hiring & deadlines!
2019 NSF Yeast ORFan Summer Workshop, SCAS/SCJAS volunteers needed, Complete our survey, plus students, news/opportunities, hiring & deadlines!
Follow-up on Winthrop Lecture Series, News and Opportunities, plus students, hiring and deadlines!
NIH All About Grants Podcasts, Winthrop Lecture Series THIS Mon and Tues, Look back at 2009, plus students, news/opps, hiring & deadlines!
NIH: 3 Shared Instrument Grants, Deadline extended, Winthrop lecture series, Look back at 2008, plus students, news/opps, hiring & deadlines!
INBRE Distinguished Seminar Series, Proteomics Workshop, Special event in March, Look back at 2003-2006, plus students, news/opps, hiring & deadlines!
NIH Biomed Res Facilities & NIH Summer Res Ed Experience grants, IDeA Co-funding, SC summer res opps, plus students, news/opps, hiring & deadlines!
Welcome back to the Spring Semester, I am INBRE: Olivia Shirley (CCU student), SCAS/SCJAS needs judges, plus students, news/opps, hiring & deadlines!
2018 and Older
Best of 2018, preview of 2019, happy holidays from SC INBRE, plus news/opportunities, hiring and deadlines!
A look back at 2018, help us write our next newsletter, how to deal with holiday depression, plus news/opportunities, hiring and deadlines!
I am INBRE: Susan Lessner, Special Genomics presentation, healthy holiday tips, plus news/opportunities, hiring & deadlines!
BIPP and DRP apps due MONDAY, I am INBRE: Mark Blenner, Governor’s Award noms due, plus students, news/opps, hiring & deadlines!
Happy Thanksgiving, USC CEC wins InnoVision award, I am INBRE: Johnie Hodge, Governor’s Award noms due, plus students, news/opps, hiring & deadlines!
PLEASE complete our survey, Converse College wins InnoVision award, I am INBRE: Mark Uline, plus students, news/opps, hiring & deadlines!
New look!, Need you to complete our survey, I am INBRE: Daping Fan, Q&A: BIPP, #SERMACS2018, plus opportunities, hiring & deadlines!
Featured Faculty: Tong Ye, Q&A with DRP recipient, New student opportunities, plus link of the week, meetings, hiring, news & deadlines!
Featured Institution: Converse College, Ed Grant Opps, AR:CURE Workshop, plus link of the week, meetings, hiring, news & deadlines!
Featured Faculty: Onarae Rice, Differential Gene Expression Workshop, plus link of the week, meetings, hiring, news & deadlines!
Focus on Big Data and Bioinformatics, Equipment Seminar, Student opp at Cornell, plus link of the week, meetings, hiring, news & deadlines!
BIPP and DRP RFAs announced, new Cell Bio Ed Consortium, Student opp at Clemson, plus link of the week, meetings, hiring, news & deadlines!
Importance of Collaborations in Science, Network News, Featured Student: Ashley Thompson, plus link of the week, meetings, hiring, news & deadlines!
More Science Symposium updates! (excited yet???), Join our classroom, plus link of the week, news, hiring, student news & deadlines!
Science Symposium updates, Network with us, Best Biomed Lab, plus link of the week, news, hiring, student news & deadlines!
NISBRE wrap-up, Save the date: Science Symposium, Name our Space, plus link of the week, news, hiring, student news & deadlines!
New home for SC INBRE, Workshop follow up, Save the date, plus link of the week, news, hiring, student news & deadlines!
2 big deadlines TODAY, Congrats to our NISBRE award winners and list of presenters, plus link of the week, news, hiring, student news & deadlines!
Workshop Registration now open, BIPP/DRP Recipients, More grads!, plus link of the week, news, hiring, student news & deadlines!
Congrats to our grads!, NISBRE, Info on our Summer Workshops, plus link of the week, news, hiring, student news & deadlines!
Have you registered for NISBRE yet?, website update, Featured Faculty: Yukiko Sugi, plus link of the week, news, hiring, student news & deadlines!
All about Grants NIH Podcasts, Grad request, Featured Fac: Matthew Stern, NISBRE info, plus link of the week, news, hiring, student news & deadlines!
SC INBRE Weekly News Supplement for Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Late breaking news: Website issues, Neuroscience Retreat deadlines
Late breaking events: TUES – VideoCast NIGMS Early-Career Investigator; WEDS – SC INBRE Institutional Membership Info Meeting; NRMN Webinar
Bioinformatics, Graduation request, SE Microscopy Mtg, Featured Faculty: Tarek Shazly, plus link of the week, news, hiring, student news & deadlines!
2018 Winthrop INBRE Distinguished Lecture, Featured Faculty: Alison Roark, , plus link of the week, news, hiring, student news & deadlines!
Writing a Grant Budget, Featured Fac: Paul Richardson, Institutional Mbrshp reminder, plus link of the week, news, hiring, student news & deadlines!
Save the Dates: Summer Career Development Workshop, Featured Faculty: Jason Rawlings, plus link of the week, news, hiring, student news & deadlines!
Tips for poster presentations, Need your feedback, Featured Faculty: Ann Ramsdell, plus link of the week, news, hiring, student news & deadlines!