Presentation materials, ALCDW 2018

June 14, 1 to 5 pm, USC Alumni Center

Grant Writing Workshop

June 15, 8:30 to 4 pm, South Carolina State Museum

Career Planning and Leadership Skills

Concurrent Session A – Faculty and Post-Docs

Concurrent Session B – Students

For more info, contact: 

Dr. Edie Goldsmith or 

Dr. Martine LaBerge

**Friday’s Workshop will be held at the South Carolina State Museum located on Gervais Street in Columbia. Parking will be free. Your name badge from the Workshop will also give you same-day 10% discount at the Museum's gift shop, discounted tickets to the 4D theatre and Planetarium ($4) and free general admittance to the rest of the Museum, if time allows. Museum closes at 5 pm.