Service Cores
SC INBRE Supported Cores
Click each image below to visit Core page for more and contact info.SC INBRE recently helped purchase a STELLARIS 5 LIAchroic confocal microscope for our Instrumentation Resource Facility (IRF) Core located at the USC School of Medicine in Columbia. The microscope is now available for use. You may contact Anna McNeal Harper, IRF Research Specialist [(803) 216-3825; email] for training and access.
Other IDeA Supported Cores in South Carolina
COBRE: Bioengineering Center for Regeneration of Formation of Tissues (SC BioCRAFT)
Bioengineering and Bioimaging Core supports the characterization and analysis of biomaterials and implants developed by SCBioCRAFT researchers. The core consists of four areas of primary focus, or thrusts: 1) Materials testing or characterization; 2 ) Bioreactor matrix synthesis and design, 3) Biomechanics, and 4) Bioimaging. Directed by: Dr. Robert Latour.
The Cell, Tissue and Molecular analysis core provides resources and expertise for project investigators, enabling them to extend their research efforts in tissue bioengineering and permitting them to participate in an emerging field of stem cells that is likely to change the way regenerative medicine research is practiced in the future. The three thrusts that serve the needs of our COBRE projects are: 1) molecular biology, 2) histology and advanced imaging, and 3) stem cell biology. Directed by: Dr. Dan Simionescu.
COBRE: Center for Translational Cancer Therapeutics (CTT)
The CTT Functional Genomics Core, housed at the University of South Carolina, will advise and assist the investigators in the use of function-based genomics for target identification and validation, as well as with transcriptomic, genomic analysis and Microarray Core. Directed by: Dr. Michael Shtutman.
The Drug Design and Synthesis Core provides access to state of the art resources for computational structure and ligand based design and synthetic organic chemistry. The DDSC will work with researchers to evaluate the feasibility of drug discovery and design projects. Directed by Dr. Campbell McInnes.
The CTT Microscopy and Flow Cytometry Core will advise and assist the investigators with advanced microscopy and flow cytometry procedures, both on the main UofSC campus and at the School of Medicine Instrumentation Resource Facility (IRF). Directed by Dr. Chang-uk Lim.
COBRE: Eukaryotic Pathogens Innovation Center (EPIC)
The Clemson Light Imaging Facility (CLIF) is a multi-user core facility located on the main campus of Clemson University housing a number of advanced light microscopes, including a Leica SP8X Multiphoton spectral confocal microscope, and a suite of Nikon microscopes. Additionally, the CLIF features cell sorting equipment, a multi-user specimen preparation laboratory, and a dedicated classroom, which seats 20 people. A list of equipment can be found here. For more info, contact Dr. Terri Bruce or Rhonda Powell.
The Clemson University Genomics and Bioinformatics Facility (CUGBF) includes an Illumina NextSeq 550 NGS platform, which offers high throughput sequencing used in many applications such as whole-genome, transcriptome, and targeted resequencing. CUGBF offers services to support the use of the NextSeq 550 from experimental design through bioinformatic deliverables. A list of services and equipment can be found here. For more info, contact Dr. Parkinson.
COBRE: Lipidomics and Pathobiology
The Lipidomics Shared Resource at MUSC represents expertise specializing in sphingolipid biology, providing services to the Medical University of South Carolina and institutions or industries throughout the world. The Lipidomics Shared Resource is composed of analytical and synthetic units providing expertise, synthetic compounds/standards, and analytical methodology (LC-MS/MS) to enhance an understanding of the role of bioactive lipids in cell (cancer) biology. Directed by Dr. Besim Ogretmen.