Workshop speaker

Nadim Aziz, PhD, FASCE 

Director, South Carolina EPSCoR/IDeA State Office 

Dr. Nadim Aziz directs the SC EPSCoR State Office whose mission is to increase the research capabilities of South Carolina. Nadim is an Interim Provost and Professor Emeritus of the Glenn Department of Civil Engineering (CE) at Clemson University. He received his BS in Civil Engineering, and MS and PhD in Engineering Science from Ole Miss, and joined Clemson University immediately after receiving his PhD in August 1984. From 2003 to 2011, he served as the Chair of the Civil Engineering Department, and from 2011 through 2015 he served as Associate Provost for Faculty Development and Support and then Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Graduate School. In 2015, he became SC EPSCoR State Office Director.

As a faculty member, Nadim was active in teaching and research in fluid mechanics and was the major advisor of 25 MS and PhD students. Nadim has numerous publications and presentations, has served as a professional consultant on several projects, and taught short courses in SC, NC, MS and IL.

During the nine years as Chair, the Department was ranked among the top-20 CE undergraduate programs by the U.S. News & World Report and among the top-35 CE graduate programs at national public research universities. The Department also grew to become the 10th largest civil engineering program in the country and witnessed significant increase in student and faculty accomplishments. In the Provost’s office, Nadim was instrumental in initiating a university-wide postdoctoral fellows plan that resulted in increased research productivity.

Nadim is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and has received several honors and awards including a Faculty Mentoring award, an Engineer of Distinction award, and an Outstanding Alumnus award.