Workshop speaker

John Kaup 

John Kaup earned his chemistry degree (BS) from Xavier University (Cincinnati, OH) and his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Utah. Following a postdoctoral appointment at Furman University and a senior lecturer position at Clemson University, John returned to Furman University in 2010 and now serves as the Director of Science Education in the Office of Integrative Research in the Sciences (OIRS). In this role, he manages a wide variety of Science-focused outreach efforts including middle school mentoring program, summer research opportunities for HS students and teachers, a STEM focused scholarship program at Furman, loaning program that provide equipment and supplies to teachers in the upstate and throughout the state. In 2014, he assumed the role of Executive Director of the SC Junior Academy of Science (SCJAS) – a program focused on strengthening STEM education throughout the state and providing a venue (the SCJAS Annual Meeting) for HS students to formally present their research. Beginning in 2015, John now manages statewide Research Experience for Teachers (RET) programs within the NIH INBRE and NSF EPSCoR networks. In 2018, John was recognized for his statewide outreach efforts with the Governor’s Award for Excellence in Scientific Awareness.