Workshop speaker

Erin Ford 

Vice President, SCBIO, South Carolina Biotechnology Industry Organization

Erin Ford is Vice President of SCBIO. Her comprehensive responsibilities include serving as primary lead for SCBIO’s business operations, championing investor relations and existing industry strategies, and spearheading major integrated marketing initiatives. 

Previously, she was director of sales at Poly-Med, Inc., a global innovation company developing leading edge bioresorbable polymers and constructs for the medical device industry. Prior to her role at Poly-Med, Inc. Erin was a business recruitment officer at the Upstate SC Alliance. She served as the main point of contact for life sciences companies interested in expanding or locating in South Carolina. 

She formerly served as SCBIO board chairman from 2016 – 2017 and as an ex-officio SCBIO board member from 2013 to 2015 while leading a regional biosciences task force comprised of industry executives from the Upstate region of South Carolina. Erin also has extensive television experience, as an Emmy nominated documentary producer and sportscaster. She received her B.A. in Communication from La Salle University in Philadelphia.