Workshop speaker

Ed Krug 

Ed Krug is Professor of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology at the Medical University of South Carolina. He serves as Associate Dean for Postdoctoral Affairs with administrative oversight of over 200 postdoctoral scholars and staff scientists. He is past co-director of the MUSC-Claflin NIH IRACDA and founding director of the SC INBRE PACD, two postdoctoral career programs focused on training for academic careers.  He has served as a coach in the Academy for Future Science Faculty Program, an NIGMS-funded Pathfinder Award (Rick McGee, PI) that tests a coaching-based, sociological model for promoting diversity in the STEM fields. He is currently a professional development coach in the NIH-funded National Research Mentoring Network STAR Program that provides a year-long series of monthly workshops on a variety of grant writing and career development essentials for underrepresented postdocs and junior faculty. He is a member of the advisory boards of DiverseScholar and, and a regular attendee of diversity-focused conferences including SACNAS, ABRCMS, and Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Research Careers.